
Send in your uncurated work that inspires positive change

If you’re an:

Artist, Maker, Poet, Spoken Word Artist, Designer, Storyteller, Creative Writer, Photographer, Sculptor, Film Maker, Musician, Dancer, Multi-Disciplinary Creative, Coach, Business, Collaborative group, Charity or Organisation…

…with a positive message for a better planet and caring communities, we’d LOVE to hear from you!

All forms of creative expression will be considered.


 Submissions Open

Steel Jackdaw operates a perpetual submission window.

Please ensure that you take time to read through the submission criteria below and how to submit your work and pay for your entries.

10% of your payment will be donated to our good causes. 5% to each charity.

Our selection windows

You can submit your work to us at any time. However, our selection process is divided into four periods. Please refer to the dates below to understand our cut-off points for each edition. If work is submitted past these dates, it will be considered for the following edition.

January - end of the 2nd week (includes Saturday & Sunday)

April - end of the 1st week (includes Saturday & Sunday)

July - end of the 1st week (includes Saturday & Sunday)

October - end of the 1st week (includes Saturday & Sunday)

If you do not hear back from us by the end of the 3rd week of the above months, you will not have been successful with your submission, and you are free to submit that work to other opportunities.

Our Submission Criteria

We are looking for creative work with passion and positive messages on the themes of environmental and social change. You can interpret this in your own unique way and using any creative form.

Here are some example topics to get you thinking:

Community, social issues, mental health, equality and diversity, climate change, love, hope, the environment, and sustainability.

For Poetry & Creative Writing submissions

For written works, we are looking for uncurated poems, prose, flash fiction and short stories. Uncurated means work not published in a curated collection – books, magazines or anthologies, in print or online. Work shared on social media, video streaming and audio streaming is fine.

We accept simultaneous submissions, as long as you tell us if it has been accepted elsewhere. Our entry fees are non-refundable.

Poetry - up to 40 lines is preferred, but we do accept longer pieces.
Spoken Word - 3 minutes maximum recording length with a written version included in your submission.
Flash - up to 500 words.
Short fiction - up to 2500 words.
Creative non-fiction - up to 1000 words.

Please use a legible font of 11-12 point in size.

Please state what each piece is (poetry, prose, spoken word, flash, short fiction, creative non-fiction) in the file name or within the document.

We may suggest edits before the publication of your work if selected.

If you are unsuccessful, please submit again, but in the following selection window (Scroll above to see the dates).

For Art & Photography submissions

We prefer new artworks that are available for our readers to buy. However, you may choose an older piece if it fits with Steel Jackdaw's ethos. We want people to be able to buy your work, and that is why we want work that is available for purchase (originals/prints).

We do not facilitate purchases or charge commissions - all transactions are between the creative and the buyer.

For Performance, Film, Music & Storytelling

Due to the nature of performance work, we would prefer new work to be submitted. However, we’d love to receive Video and Audio submissions, and these will need to be provided as links to hosted services, such as YouTube and Soundcloud. Ideally, we want the written form, as well as video and/or audio links.

Use the form below to upload your submission files and pay for your submission

After you have completed the above form, you will be taken to a new screen where you can make your submission payment.

If you experience an issue with the form and do not see the payment screen, please contact us. When you click Submit, we are notified of your submission and can download your submission file. We receive this, even if you have a payment issue.

If you don’t see the payment screen, use the button below to go to The Daydream Academy’s Seller Profile and click the Pay button. Please add a reference, stating your name and email address, so that your payment can be linked to your submission.

Good luck with your entries!

Submission Rules

We require all 5 items listed in the submission form above to complete your entry.

Choose from one of the 3 submission options: Single Submission, Full Submission (up to 3 pieces) or Unemployed/Low Income.

Please remember to send in your best uncurated work that fits our ethos.

Should you have any issues with using the submission form or making payment, please contact us as we may be able to provide an alternative option.

Please follow the submission guidelines when sending in your work.

Due to the volume of submissions, we will not be able to offer feedback on your work, should you not be accepted.

Are you unemployed or on a low income?

In order to be as inclusive as we can, we may be in a position to accept free entries from people on benefits. If you are receiving Universal Credit and are not currently working, please contact us. If you are disabled, on compassionate leave, or are affected financially, please get in touch to explain your situation.


Contributor Rights

All work accepted for inclusion in our quarterly magazine, or on our website, remains the property of the artist.

For poetry and creative writing contributions

Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please tell us if this is the case and get in touch if your work is accepted elsewhere.

For successfully selected and curated work, please leave 3 months from the publication date before sending it to other submission/competition opportunities.

For non-writing submissions

Steel Jackdaw does not restrict pieces from being submitted to other publications. This is important to us, as we want your work to be enjoyed and purchased by as many people as possible.

All rights remain with the creator, and the creator is free to sell and promote their work.

Steel Jackdaw promotes the work of published contributors to its readership and via social media channels. As such, Steel Jackdaw is a promotional vehicle for published contributors, giving them an opportunity to be published and reach a new audience.


Front cover print mockup of Steel Jackdaw Edition 10